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Testing Peers Conference

13 MARCH 2025

After the success of the first ever Testing Peers Conference in 2024, we have decided to do it again, this time bigger and better we’re hoping to host 300 people this time.

We’re staying in Nottingham, UK, with the event running from 9am-5pm on 13 March 2025. Again this year it will be a not for profit, low budget, slightly punk and very much peer focused, friendly testing conference.

Like the Testing Peers podcast, we will focus on leadership, quality and testing. It’s going to be run by the community for the community and will welcome anyone – from people new to testing and wanting to get into the field, Development, Product, Delivery or even CEO’s. 

Our aim is a low-cost event with a couple of tracks, largely funded through sponsorship. We’ll release tickets in two rounds, the early bird tickets costing £15 and standard tickets costing £25.

To be upfront we’ll not be paying speakers for this event. We appreciate this isn’t ideal, but we aim to be a low-cost event with few sponsors. Any money we don’t spend on the event will go to sponsoring people to attend other great events or to charities nominated by speakers. It’s a choice and we’re aware it will limit some who will attend or submit talks and we will continue to look at options around this.

Table shows forecasted costs of TestingPeersCon25